Monday, January 22, 2007

Grasshopper New Media: Parents

While the trail has turned down the wedding aisle, it is appropriate to turn next to a site for parents.

GNMParents is a multi-media channel featuring blogs, podcasts and video, aiming to provide a full and rich content experience for parents at all stages of parenthood. Our goal is to inform, entertain and engage the community.

GNMParents is managed by Megin Hatch. She helps produce and promote all of the content, while adding new features and value to our audience.

There are a bunch of contributors spread across the world from Scotland to the Pacific Northwest and multiple parts in between.

Two days worth of postings reveal diverse titles
If you are a parent, or know of one looking for some advice, or even looking to share some of their parenting advice, this is one stop to investigate.


Meg said...

Thanks so much for the mention. We're having a blast at GNMParents. We are always on the lookout for more voices to join in on the conversation!

By the way, I was at Podcamp Boston, too!

Stu said...

I have been lurking here (via my mobile) for a while now, as it is a fascinating blog. So when Megin sent me the link, I couldn't believe it. Awesome!

GNMP is a fantastic spot for me to get my parenting vibe validated. Anyone who takes their job as "Parent" seriously, come by and read the posts here. They are chock-full of wisdom, comfort, and humor.

Steve Sherlock said...

Meg, you are most welcome. I look forward to meeting with you at the next PodCamp Boston.

Stu, thanks for leaving your lurking role and commenting. We like lurkers but love commenters. The conversation is the thing! Come back often and don't be bashful.