Sunday, December 31, 2006

jonny baker blog

The trail takes us to England today to visit with Jonny Baker. Jonny writes:

i realise that i haven't blogged about kalle lasn's design anarchy either. this is a huge fat book that i think is amazing. it condenses many of the themes of adbusters over the years into one huge volume. it's available from somewhere like magma. my favourite ever adbusters issue was no 37 called design anarchy and seems to have been the inspiration for the book.

read his full posting here.

I like his 2006 Baker's Mosaic.

He answers the 5 Things Meme

He is leading a special worship session outside of London

In this week (half term for some), Jonny Baker looks at how churches can develop a culture of creativity, especially arts & media, and how to make the traditions of worship live again. Jonny works for Church Mission Society, developing and supporting mission and new ways of being church. He is part of ‘Grace’, an alternative worship community in St. Mary’s, West London.

read the full posting here.

These tidbits should entice you to add Jonny Baker's Blog to your RSS Reader of choice!

Friday, December 29, 2006

The Post Money Value

Rick Segal writes at The Post Money Value highlighting the longest signature file ever found.

He writes on expense policy:

The lesson for you in start up land is set tone early. People will normally do the right thing. If the whole culture/tone is do the right thing, those people that are inclined to pick up the tab, have the shrimp cocktail, etc, will stop or will move on because the rest of the team will reject them as an anti-body.

It's funny how when you are paying, you bring a sandwich from home; when you're not, you'll have the soup, Caesar salad, salmon and a double espresso. If you can break this habit, set the tone of a sandwich, you'll be amazed at how little you will have to worry about this stuff. People are generally good.

Read the full post here.

From his 2006 wrap-up, he writes:

While on the road with Shel Israel, I was able to sit back an enjoy watching, up close and personal, the spotlight on Shel when it came to blogging and passion about one's topic. In three separate events, I was not important, rather blogging and the blogging book author was. It was great. All over Europe blogging, Web 2.0, Social Media and all the stuff was taking off. Watching people hungry for knowledge combined with somebody eager to share was a blast. I've always told people that the key to success is to hire/hang around people smarter then you. Shel is working on a book called "Global Neighborhoods" and is doing it out in the open, more or less, on his blog. I'd encourage all of you who blog, hang out on/in the Internet to head over to his blog and give him feedback on the various proposals he has posted. Good luck with the book, Shel.

Read his full posting here.

Assuming you like what you see with these teasers, add Rick's site to your RSS Reader and keep in touch!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

8 Wishes - Paul Sanchez

Paul Sanchez has a BHAG! Actually 8 of them. And he is running out of time (self-imposed) to get these 8 accomplishments by January 10, 2007.

What's a BHAG?

A Big Hairy Audacious Goal.

The cause is worthy, the major objective is to raise $1 million dollars
for children with learning disabilities and dyslexia through the Dyslexia Awareness Resource Center. The DARC will award $10,000 scholarships to 100 kids across the United States.
Since this is December 28th, December 29th for most of you reading this (or even later!). There are two things you can take immediate action to help him with.
  1. contribute to the cause
  2. visit his web site
Good luck Paul!

Visit Paul's website. Contribute via the ChipIn button.

Thanks to Phil Gerbyshak for helping to tell Paul's story.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Thanks to Seth and others on the Z-List

Welcome to all!

The Hitchhikers Guide has been around since March 2005 exploring "the long tail"

Well over 300 blogs have been "hiked" and a trail report has been written about them. You can cruise through the archives.

For the record, the links on the z-list from 37Days through Joyful Jubilant Learning come directly from my blogroll. I added more links in two other postings to extend the listing but these additions were not as neatly presented and I assume thereby not replicated. See neatness does count!

My thanks to Seth Godin and the others who participated in the z-list meme.

PS - The Hitchhiker Team is looking to expand. The trail is long, time is short. There are so many blogs to find and write about, if this suits your interest, and you have some time to spare, let me know.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Friday, December 22, 2006

The long and short of the list

There is the z-list meme making it way around. I had my hand in it three times. Once here, the second here and the third here.

The third listing is the longer of the three.

If you are ever short of things to do and want to explore simply by following links, this would be a good list to use.

Long live the long tail!

Creative Think
Movie Marketing Madness
Blog Till You Drop!
Get Shouty!
One Reader at a Time
100 Bloggers
Critical Fluff
The New PR
Own Your Brand!
Work, in Plain English
Buzz Canuck
New Millenium PR
Pardon My French
The Instigator Blog
Diva Marketing
Marketing Hipster
The Marketing Minute
Funny Business
The Frager Factor
Open The Dialogue
Word Sell
Note to CMO:
That’s Great Marketing!
Shotgun Marketing Blog
Customers Rock!
Being Peter Kim
Andy Nulman
Billions With Zero Knowledge
Working at Home on the Internet
MapleLeaf 2.0
Darren Barefoot
Two Hat Marketing

The Engaging Brand
The Branding Blog
Drew’s Marketing Minute
Golden Practices
Tell Ten Friends
Flooring the Consumer
Kinetic Ideas
Unconventional Thinking
Conversation Agent
The Copywriting Maven
Hee-Haw Marketing
Scott Burkett’s Pothole on the Infobahn
Multi-Cult Classics
Logic + Emotion
Branding & Marketing
Carpe Factum
Steve’s 2 Cents
Popcorn n Roses
On Influence & Automation
Servant of Chaos
Make it Great!
Presentation Zen
Dmitry Linkov
Urban Jacksonville
John Wagner
Nick Rice
CKs Blog
Design Sojourn
Frozen Puck
The Sartorialist
Small Surfaces
Africa Unchained
Marketing Nirvana
Bob Sutton
¡Hola! Oi! Hi!
Shut Up and Drink the Kool-Aid!
Women, Art, Life: Weaving It All Together
Community Guy
Social Media on the fly
Jeremy Latham’s Blog
SMogger Social Media Blog

37 Days
A Clear Eye
Alex Halavais
Blog Brothers

Brand Autopsy
Brand Soul
Creating Passionate Users
Crossroads Dispatches
Doc Searls

FAST Company
gillianic tendencies

Good Experience
Hitchhikers Guide to the Blogosphere
How to Save the World
Josh Hallett

Joy of Six
Learned on Women
Make it Great
my topography

New Charm School
Occupational Adventure
Orbit Now
PureLand Mountain

Seth Godin
Songs of Experience
Talking Story
Time Goes By

Tom Peters

Tomorrow Today
World Changing

Tertiary Education

Joyful Jubilant Learning

Merry Christmas to all!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Deep Fun - Bernie DeKoven

The trail takes a funny turn today and makes new connections. Checked in with Sandra to see her current posting and found Bernie. Clicked through to Bernie's site and found he wrote about Seymour Papert. I wrote about Seymour on Sunday.

Bernie writes
O, it succeeded, the Power Pad did, in its way, but not in its time. And it made me honestly contemplate the possibility that maybe it's not so bad, actually, not such a minor achievement, in fact, not something one would poo-poo, the Power Pad, and all those things and people before their time, who, despite financial failures, have made this time possible.
Read his full posting to find out how this was connected to Dance-Dance-Revolution.

Bernie writes
The Hoseball, Son of Schmertlz, came into being as a direct result of the propinquitous ubiquity of both knee-high and thigh-high hosiery. A 2-3-sock sockball, stuffed into the toe of these hose forms, creates a thing to fling of such stretchy spinworthiness that it is oft likened to a weapon of soft, but nonetheless intimidating attribute. A well-flung hoseball, trailed spectacularly by its gauzy, wobbly, hose-formed tail, beckons every eye on the playground.
With family time in the warmer than normal New England area, hoseball might be something to try. Check out the full posting.

Consider adding Bernie's site to your RSS Reader of choice, or subscribe to one of his newsletters to keep up with the fun he is having and join in making some yourself!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Biz Plan Hacks

The trail today takes to some Biz Plan Hacks.
Knowing where to draw the line is wisdom they say. From where I sit anyone who has accomplished great things has achieved the results at a price. Their achievements were paid for with the currency of dedication and consistency. They never quit, they learned from their mistakes and made an adjustment to their approach and focused on results. They learned the difference between goals and results ...
Read the full post here.

Getting help with your website design or making changes to your site that need some programming help is easier than you might think. Thanks to Anita Campbell for pointing to 99 Tips for Poor Web Startups, I like tip 55 because it links to a couple of good resources and ideas to help you modify your website or make a design change.
Read the full post here.

Listen to the podcast: 6 Step Startup Plan for a Business

If these samples are enough to catch and hold your interest, then you should add this site to your RSS Reader and keep up with the Biz Plan Hacks with Greg Belanko-Dickson.

Disclosure - Greg is also a compatriot and member of the Joyful Jubilant Learning network. Aside from that fact, the Hitchhiker Team still would have written about this site. It meets all the requirements of quality along the long tail.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Creative Think Blog

The trail takes a creative turn today stopping by Roger van Oech writing on his blog at Creative Think.

Roger writes:

Heraclitus felt that consulting our own knowledge and intuition is a wonderful way to gain insight. Unfortunately, some of us never learned this lesson. Much of our educational system is an elaborate game of "guess what the teacher is thinking," and we come to believe that the best ideas are in someone else's head rather than our own. Heraclitus reminds us that there are good ideas within ourselves if we are willing to dig deeply enough.

Read the full posting on Heraclitus.

Roger writes:

One of my favorites is "Speed-Reducing Art" by John Glassie (subscription required). It's about using tromp l'oeil art to reduce traffic speeds at busy intersections. (Tromp l'oeil is the art of visual deception; check out my earlier posts on tromp l'oeil art "Fooling the Eye" and "More Eye-Foolery.")

According to Glassie,

"Public art projects are usually intended to beautify. But artwork commissioned this summer by the city of Cambridge, Mass., has a more utilitarian goal: reducing traffic speeds at a busy intersection."

A particularly busy intersection is at Walden Street and Vassal Lane; 6,000 cars pass through it every day. One Cambridge citizen, Susanne Rasmussen, had been aware that neighborhood street murals in Portland, Oregon had the unintended consequence of slowing traffic down. A light bulb went off in Susanne's head, "Why not experiment with deliberately putting murals on the street to slow the traffic."

Read the full posting on speed reducing art.

And if you are looking for a last minute gift, but don't mind delvering after Christmas, then check out his Ball of Whacks!

Friday, December 15, 2006

Benjamin Bach & Associates

The Hitchhikers are on the road today, outside of Toronto, and checking out some real estate along the way.

Benjamin Bach describes himself:
Hi! I’m a Realtor in Kitchener-Waterloo, a growing center of industry an hour from Toronto. I own a business building wealth for our clients through smart real estate investments. I’m devoted to improving myself, both personally and professionally, so that I can provide the highest level of service to everyone I meet. I love to hear from my readers; please comment on the blogs you find interesting, and don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions about buying a home, selling your home, or starting an investment portfolio. We primarily work in Waterloo region and Wellington region, but we’re licensed in the whole province of Ontario and have worked with clients from Toronto (buying both locally and in Toronto), Brantford and London. My goal is to help thousands of people build their wealth through smart Real Estate investments, and I’d love to help you do just that.

Check out his About page

Posts that might be of interest
Benjamin Bach writes:
Today I have the great pleasure of speaking with Keith Ferrazzi, best selling author of Never Eat Alone (and Other Secrets to Success, One Relationships at a Time). Keith’s ideas have shaped the way I’ve gone about building relationships in my community. In business, your network is your net worth, and Keith is the leading expert on building a powerful network that helps everyone it touches.

Read the full interview here.

For these and other matters of real estate, check out Benjamin's blog. This is not like yesterday's reel wisdom, this is real money!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Reel Life Wisdom

Daily life provides an opportunity for using really good quotes. There are lots of quote services around. This blog focuses the quotes they get on those from the movies, hence the Reel Life Wisdom.

Nice concept!

Good quotes!

Check out

and many more... a real treasure trove of reel wisdom!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Brazen Careerist - Penelope Trunk

I had just quoted from Penelope yesterday on her article about time management. I thought the name sounded familiar. Where had I seen it? Oh, well. Of course, it was sitting in my pending queue for things to write about here!

She writes:
When I was in couples therapy with my husband, I nearly died trying to force myself to listen to his ideas when I thought mine were better. But I realized that I had poor listening skills, and by dealing with my listening skills at home, I improved my listening skills at work.

We can learn how to build relationships at work by paying attention to research about how to build them at home.

For example, The Economist reports that men overestimate how attracted women are to them, and women underestimate how interested men are. This research comes from an article in Evolution and Human Behavior, and the conclusion is that the poor estimating is actually good for evolution, because men don’t miss opportunities to spread their DNA, and women make sure to mate with someone who will stick around.

Read the full post here.

She writes about getting references:
This rule of thumb sounds right to me. When I was hiring, if I called for a reference and the person sounded like they were reading a canned speech I discounted the whole thing and called another person on the list. I was always hunting for someone with candor.

Read her full posting here.

I would recommend add Penelope's blog to your RSS Reader.

Convergence Culture Consortium

The MIT Convergence Culture Consortium, a blog discussion around current topics like:

Fair Use

User generated content

Change sometimes takes time

Good topics, good writing, good conversations!

Add this site to your RSS Reader!

Migrated to Blogger Beta today

So far so good. My Qumana Editor is balking at posting but otherwise things seem to be working fine from my side.

If you see any problems or have any difficulty viewing the blog, please let me know!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Full Circle Interaction Blog

Nancy White writes at Full Circle Online Interaction Blog.
I stumbled tonight on to Tom Haskin's blog, growing changing learning creating. When I found a post on Community Healing, I was hooked. Tom is also writing a lot about collaboration, which I've also been focusing on lately.

By the way Jim Benson has a great post looking at very specific collaboration practices in his work team. I appreciate these kinds of posts because they help me examine the more conceptual stuff in a contextual, pragmatic way. Thanks, Jim. I asked him in comments how some of those practices might look at the community and network collaboration levels.

Posting link.

Julie Leung reminds us that the Moose is on the Loose again...Who can resist a moose with an iPod.... Northern Voice, the fun, down home blogging conference returns for it's third run in Vancouver, BC, Febrary 23 and 24. This time they are moving to larger digs at UBC. The speaker submission date is passed, but registration is open. I submitted a proposal and promptly forgot what I submitted. Duh. I am ripe to be turned down for such flakiness. But that doesn't matter. This is one of the few conferences I'd go to no matter what. That's saying a lot from cheapie me.

Read the full posting here.

I've tried to become more attentive to web accessibility issues over the years. My main website is not too bad, but today I was pointed to another tool to test colors, Juicy Studio: Colour Contrast Analyser Firefox Extension and my blog fails miserably. Time to change.
Read the full posting here.

Add this site to your RSS Reader of choice.

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Core77 - Design blog

A fellow Hitchhiker pointed this site out to me via an article he found titled "Those Who Can Teach". The article was a good read. The site offered a blog. I followed the link and arrived here.

There are Contributors in three categories: Cloggers, Moderators, and Authors. The listing is impressive.

Their postings are equally impressive and varied, just what you would expect from a design site.

77 Gifts for Under $77

Spain yields new kid's phone
Unfortunately, although technically approved, some consumer associations are calling the device an "irresponsibility at educative and sanitary levels."

Here, here!

We all scream

I have not been on the design trail for sometime and this site makes me want to go do more exploring within. Oh, yea, and sometime after I have had enough, I'll go look for more.

Come along. Put this site into your RSS Reader of choice!

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Wednesday, December 06, 2006



100 Connected Women is a community of women who are interested and willing to share ideas, gadgets, how-tos. It is not a tutorial or self-help book. It is women helping their girlfriends, sisters, colleagues to stay connected and relevant in this new Connected Age.  The focus on this site is on web based tools, preferably free ones, that are fun and easy to use that can help you to connect to other people, organize meetings or parties, track stories or issues.  I hope it will be a lively place where we are all posting information and commenting to improve our collective experience.

There are posts on

what to read? an intro to shelfari

getting started blogging with Wordpress

a quick explanation of evite

Check out ConnecTips!


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Wired Home Weblog

Do you have wires in your house?

What house doesn't have wires?

You might want to see this site. Then help you make sense of it all.

And how do they do that?

They have info on
older gamers - a magazine just for you

a magic toaster

the Christmas Tree gun

and many more. Click on over and see for yourself!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Swift 2 Feet

Swift 2 Feet is a blog with reviews of running shoes by the major brands. A sample of recent postings:

As they say, if the shoe fits, wear it.

Check out Swift 2 Feet to keep up with current shoe releases.


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Monday, December 04, 2006

Boomer Marketing - Mary Brown

Finally an anti-aging skin care message that doesn’t take itself seriously! Starting with an initial warning on the Reversa web site “The content of this site may offend women under 35,” you know you are in for some fun. Follow along on the adventures of a stylish 40-something woman as she is visited by various plumber and pastry chef hunks. All a result of using Reversa, of course.
From Mary Brown writing at Boomer Marketing. Read the full posting here.
Tom Peters provided a recent plug for the new book, Boom. This sounds like a book to add to my reading list.

Last night was open house at my daughter’s middle school. Dozens of us forty- and fifty-something parents dutifully sat through each teacher’s orientation. By the fifth presentation, the majority of us were sufficiently dumbstruck by the near total replacement of hardcopy communication tools with online solutions.

Each teacher had a blog site where students could check class schedules, daily curriculum covered, homework assignments and send comments or questions. Grades would no longer be dispensed quarterly through the mail. Instead you could check your child’s progress up to the day via a private link on the school’s site.

This would hearten David WarlickWill Richardson and others on the educational web 2.0 campaign. Read the full posting by Mary here.
You should consider adding this site to your RSS Reader of choice
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Saturday, December 02, 2006

Smack in the face awakening

I am suddenly hit smack in the face with the one thing about love that truly defines love…giving love to someone in the way THEY want to receive it, not the way YOU want to give it.
Have you been smacked in the face by this awakening? If you have children and haven't, guess what? Someday, I expect that you will.
She writes in the About section: is designed to promote character education and strong social and behavior skills in children. We offer information for parents and teachers on many topics, including bullying, anger management, sibling rivalry, and peacefulness. In addition, we offer expertise on subjects that will be part of a child’s development of a healthy self, including healthy eating, positive interaction with one’s community and environment, special challenges, and important information on how kids are affected by the media. We also offer books and products for parents, teachers and kids, all designed to strengthen character and self esteem in kids.
The trail from a Boston Globe article lead me to Karen Carlsson-Paige and ultimately to Parenting Bookmark.
If you have children, you will want to visit this page; maybe even bookmark it to come back often!
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Friday, December 01, 2006

From the archives

Dipping into the archives from November 2005 I find

Walk this way - japee

is still posting pictures and blogging from Charleston, South Carolina

Give this site a visit!

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Divita Speaks - Chloe Divita

Chloe Divita is making success waves on her own. Her company, Divita & Assoc, is growing. Her blog, Divita Speaks, is helping.

What do they do?

DiVita & Associates provides a full range of bookkeeping and accounting services for small business. Our unique virtual network environment allows our clients to have real time access to their files, and to split responsibilities to fit each client's needs. We work in a professional manner with attention to quality while being flexible and reliable.
On her company blog, they write:

When I was growing up, we had a set of encyclopedias to go to and find our answers to our questions. No computers, no online search engines. It was a favorite thing for me to do on a rainy or snowy afternoon -- to take one of the encyclopedias and just look thru the pages and see what I could find. A few years later, I used these for reference for homework assignments.

It seemed a lot easier to be able to find your specific answer to a question. Today - I often find myself frustrated by "googling" a topic and after clicking on numerous links - I've gotten so far from my original search that I wonder what I was searching for.

Recently, I ran across this wonderful little gem - our modern day's technological version of an encyclopedia: It's a free reference search service. Instead of a search engine that serves up a long list of links that you must chase down, displays quick, snapshot answers based upon content from more than 100 authoritative encyclopedias, dictionaries, glossaries and atlases.

Read the full posting by Benecia Beyer here.

For advice on QuickBooks, on Windows Vista, and on "Improving your cash flow". For a small business looking for accounting and practical advice, this is one place to visit.

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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Spirit in Gear - Debbie Call

Dick Richards gives Debbie's site a great award:
Before heading out to an evening meeting yesterday, I ran a final check of my email. There I discovered Dick Richard's email, urging me to read his latest post. It appears that he graced me with the honor of receiving his first ever Platinum Trumpet Award for a piece of work I did earlier this year that he felt was most important to him.

The series of posts Dick refers to focus on True Guidance vs. False Guidance - Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.

Read the full post here.

Debbie writes:
But hey, I'm not here to talk about politics per se. To do so is to miss the larger point. I. F. Stone set a high standard we would do well to emulate. And it is this. To use our blogging forums to illuminate the conversation. To expand understanding and meaning. In short, to BE the substance the world needs, and allow our voice to reflect that.

I didn't say it was easy to speak openly, honestly, truthfully. Some days I can't find the time to blog. Some days I can't hear my own voice. Some days I'm feeling timid. And some days I just can't stand not to speak up. I'm still learning to give myself permission to show my strength - to let my "substance" out. And be damned with whatever gets "thrown" at me.

Read Debbie's full posting here.

And then consider adding Debbie's site to your RSS Read of choice. You'll be glad you did.

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The Wikipedia Knowledge Dump

The purpose of this blog:

From the bold to the beautiful, from the wicked to the wise, every day the Wikipedia team relegates possibly "inappropriate" submissions to the garbage dump of time. Here, we make selected rejects immortal and preserve them for posterity.

A sampling of terms or entries that they have preserved:

I find the visual graphic of evolution evolving via the entries and edits on wikipedia very interesting.
The entry for evolution on Wikipedia was altered 2,081 times by 68 editors between December 2001 and last October. IBM's Watson Research Center produced the image at left, which tracks the transformation. Each vertical line is a new version; each color is a different editor. A black line occurs whenever the entire entry is deleted by a vandal. The initial version of evolution (indicated by the "1") is 526 words long.

A picture of how knowledge is being crafted.

You might want to add this site to your RSS Reader of choice. There are some obscure but good tidbits here.

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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

A Sense of Place

A few years ago we'd stopped at the planet Leeds to repair the Starship's main support system, a powerful computer capable of cognitive intelligence. We met a girl named Emma that day who forever altered our perceptions of beauty, compassion, heart, soul, love, humor and intellect. Technicians transplanted cells donated from Emma, into our computer. That fusion between Emma's DNA and our electronics created a brand new support system. We call her Emma.

Initial coordinates for today's mission have been downloaded and Live at Leeds is playing throughout Emma's audio network. "People try to put us down..." bellows Roger Daltrey as the Starship approaches Workit, a small satellite of Steelcase. Mark Greiner meets us at the spaceport. Mark is a Senior VP who says his company's passion is to create great work environments. He recently visited Asia and was impressed by the level of importance people place on their culture. Mark asks, "how does culture effect work process, and can ancestral cultures be seamlessly braided into the American corporate culture?

A sense of place permeates ones conscious. It melds from the land, from the history, from the environment, from the culture, from the people and the surroundings. Art, design and architecture weave throughout to support an awe and wonder. A short ride to the world of Interactive Architecture as the fellows sing, "I don't want to cause no fuss (Too much, Magic Bus)
But can I buy your Magic Bus?
" Ruairi Glynn walks us about a visual feast of kinetic sculptures, performative architectures and interactive installations...all with the ability to instill a sense of place.

"Substitute you for my mum, At least I'll get my washing done..." Emma fusses with the volume but our attention is on Jill Fehrenbacher. Jill created Inhabitat, a vehicle to document innovations in technology, practices and materials that are pushing architecture and home design towards a smarter and more sustainable future. One could see how style might win over substance in design. This would seemingly deteriorate a sense of place. Jill and her crew strive to balance style and substance while keeping the user, the experience, the social context and the impact of an object on the surrounding environment at the forefront of their design intentions. Managing editor, Sarah Rich, has edited an interesting piece of work, World Changing: A user's guide for the 21st Century. We should pick up a copy for the trip to Brooklyn, New York and Treehugger.

Treehugger is a web magazine that cares. Cares about sustainability and the environment while looking for solutions, constructive developments and positive initiatives. There are a ton of interesting topics listed on a pull down box under categories. "People try to put us d-down (talkin bout my generation) Just because we get around (talkin bout my generation)" As Roger sings, we can't help but think Treehugger guides us in the right direction to enhance our sense of place.

While we visit with these interesting people, Emma amoeba-itizes the culture and sense of place of each location into her knowledge banks. Occasionally she'll conduct conversations with buildings, cars, desks and pets. It is best at these times to leave her alone and let her do her own thing.

Instead of specific coordinates, Emma lets the navigator choose random. We land in Canada at Bruce Mau Design. "Every time I call my Baby, try to get a date, my Boss says No dice, Son,you gotta work late, Sometimes I wonder what I'm a gonna do, but there ain't no cure for the Summertime Blues." Bruce Mau Design publishes an in-progress manifesto. It tells us about the firm's culture, vision and direction. Point number forty stands out - Avoid fields. Jump fences. Disciplinary boundaries and regulatory regimes are attempts to control the wilding of creative life. They are often understandable efforts to order what are manifold, complex, evolutionary processes. Our job is to jump the fences and cross the fields.

The Starship is in need of wide open space and to vaporize fences. Emma delights as she lets the engines scream. The greater the distance, and the faster she flies from status quo, the greater potential of growth we realize.

We set down on the Red planet. Hilary Cottam leads an ambitious team with the goal of confronting complex social and economic problems. A paper titled Transformation Design explains how design is used to address these problems. Emma raises her computer bank eyebrows when she hears the six characteristics of Transformational Design:

  • Defining and Redefining the brief
  • Collaborating between disciplines
  • Employing participatory design techniques
  • Building capacity, not dependency
  • Designing beyond traditional solutions
  • Creating fundamental change

She thinks, "have some of these not already existed deep within our knowledge banks?" "Quivers down my backbone, I got the shakes in the knee bones, Shivers down my thigh bones, Like I'm Shakin' all over." Was that Emma or Roger??

I've got the quivers down my backbone! What a glorious mission today! Folks out on the edge, caring for and improving our workplace and overall environment. It is because of people like this that our ancestors will one day be jolted by a sense of place.

Peace. Out.

Healing Iraq

Not a site that would normally fit into the "long tail" objective of this blog because it already has some substantial readership according to Bloglines (over 460 at this point).

But the topic is not something that is regularly discussed from the Iraqi point of view and hence my decision to share it hear.

Read about Iraqis Prepare for Further Sectarian Violence

As the cycle of sectarian violence in Baghdad rages on, despite a three-day curfew, many people in the war-torn capital are bracing themselves for what they fear is the worst phase of the war to come.

The attack on Sadr City with five car bombs last Thursday will most likely be another turning point, ushering in a rising level of violence in Iraq, just the same as the shrine incident in Samarra last February.

Read the full posting here.

For "Daily news and comments on the situation in post Saddam Iraq by an Iraqi dentist" add this site to your RSS Reader of choice.

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Detective Marketing - Stefan Engeseth

Stefan writes on "How to double the traffic on Google"
The simple fact of the matter is that good business is essentially childishly simple. Google, for example, could let visitors search its 8 billion pages by opening pages visited in a separate window so that instead of leaving the Google page, the visitor stays with the brand a little longer.

Stefan writes on "Ghost Riding, a trend ore a massage?"
In a time when people look for new leaders they express it in different ways. One-way is to do a new dance: Ghost Riding. It is danced like this; you drive your car slowly then walk out of it and dance around the car. At the same time the car is slowly moving down the streets with the music playing, but no one is sitting in the driving seat ...

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Stefan writes in the About Page:
The power of the consumer is stronger than ever. Yet, the gap between what a company promises and what consumers experience has never been larger. Consumer power makes or breaks companies. The purpose of this blog is to make, not break, companies and close that gap. Use this blog as an open source platform for the most important business and consumer trend of the future: ONE.ONE means that companies must let consumers into the process of creating new products and services, and even into marketing and selling them. This is more than theory, it’s survival. The power of interactivity, Internet and word of mouth is a force to be reckoned with. Those who don’t listen, will be crushed by it.“If you’re looking for creative business opportunities, this is the place, but if you’re more interested in a forum for grievances and gripes then this is not the right ONE for you.” Stefan Engeseth, author of ONE and editor of this blog.

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