Friday, February 16, 2007

I have something to say about that - Hadley Beeman

The trail turns to one blog that had been quiet over the holidays but now appears to be back in a regular posting pattern. Hadley Beeman writes in her "about page"

In October of 2006, I found myself rewriting my CV for what felt like the thousandth time, emphasising yet another angle on my project-management/facilitating-collaboration/technology-for-business-goals career. CVs are quite restrictive in their format and content, and I was annoyed that I had to limit my communication with prospective employers to a discrete snapshot of my accomplishments when I’d prefer to include more of how I think and what interests me.

The solution came with a problem that was nagging at me: Blogs were clearly on the rise, but why on earth would anybody bother to broadcast their thoughts regularly? What normal day-to-day behaviour does this model? How do I fit this into my own life? Why should I bother? I sought out many blogging friends and colleagues for their perspectives. As the discussions built, I realised something about myself.

She writes on her iPod

Now, as a professional in a public-transport city, I don’t have the luxury of long hours in a dorm full of friends or a car stereo. For this, I now have an iPod. I can’t tell you yet what will be on the 2007 soundtrack of my life, but I can tell you this: It will come out of the 1,334 songs in my pocket.

Read Hadley's full post here on "if life had a sound track".

I recommend add Hadley's site to your RSS Reader and then joining the conversation.


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Steve, for the kind words! I've appreciated your contributions and look forward to seeing what else we have to discuss.

Also, I love the concept of the long tail -- my writing may not be of interest to everyone, but it's great that it doesn't have to be. Best of luck with this Hitchhiker's Guide!


Steve Sherlock said...

You are most welcome Hadley. I too look forward to continuing the conversation.