Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Mark Sanborn Blogs

I saw Mark Sanborn present many years ago at Help Desk Institute conference. He talked about the Fred Factor. His new book, You don't need a title to be a leader, builds upon the Fred Factor.

The principles of greatness are timeless, but the application of those principles changes, whether in the marketplace or our government. We can learn much from emulating what created greatness in the past, but to simply copy a formula frozen in time doesn’t serve us well.

I’ve never liked the phrase “back to the basics” because I believe the basics, applied in a relevant way, take us forward. And some if not much of what made Ronald Reagan a great leader can help candidates and citizens today, but it won’t create a return to another era. Done well, those principles can create a new kind of greatness that is so badly needed.

Read Mark's full posting on A new kind of greatness.

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