Thursday, May 25, 2006

TrueTalk Blog - Tom Guarriello

Next stop along the GEL 2006 path, we come upon Tom Guarriello writing at TrueTalk Blog. I met up with Tom briefly during the Google party on Thursday night during GEL.
Tom is the Chief Idea Officer at TrueTalk, a management consulting firm specializing in connecting people for results.
He writes on design:

We need to get used to the fact that this process isn't creating "artificial needs," it's part of the great evolutionary process which makes one bird more attractive than another; one flower bring on more bees. We are attracted to beauty and wired to acquire things that attract us. What could be more "natural" than that?

Read the full post here.

He writes on the Microsoft Mini blogging efforts:

So, an anonymous blogger, expressing ideas that must have resonated deeply with a significant portion of Microsoft's workforce, plays a major role in helping his company adopt practices that will make it a better company. More competitive. More focused. More employee-respectful. HR pros: What on earth is keeping you from opening up this kind of dialogue within your company?

Read the full post here.

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