When I was a child, even today, I could wish for a castle door. Open it and on the other side would be a whole new life. Castle doors paved the way to places where everything changed. I could make the world rearrange easily walking through such a door. The problem was that always the person who walked through was always me.
Read the full posting on The Castle Door.
In her about page she says:
I walk. I talk. I trip every now and then. Occasionally I fall down. I dance in elevators when no one is looking, but I will not run for a bus.
When a powerful, wonderful, engaging idea grabs a hold of my mind, my thinking alters. I start seeing colors and possibilities that are "this close" tangible. The conceptual chemistry is magical. Cell upon cell ignites, passing charges across my synapses. I don't see myself. I don't feel time passing. I am inside the idea. I am train of thought speeding to a destination.
Energy dispels any self-consciousness, as my eyes turn inward to visuals of what the idea is, how it works, watching it tick and move. It's not that different from a mother imagining a baby a few weeks into pregnancy. Yet it's different completely because my imagining becomes true.