Monday, January 30, 2006
Green Skeptic
Scott Edward Anderson is an award-winning poet and a columnist for He was a John Sawhill Conservation Leadership Fellow in 2000-2001 and works for a global conservation organization.
Scott's recent posts include: BBC's "Planet Under Pressure", Peter Senge's Vision for an Interdependent Planet, and Crisis or Opportunity, China Looms Large.
If you are into the green thing and dig the written word, Green Skeptic is the blog for you. Scott is passionate about conservation and has an awesome command of his craft.
Spirit in Gear
Debbie is an experienced and published writer with an extensive personal network of experienced personal growth professionals, which she leverages for content for Spirit in Gear.
If you are interested in traditional inside-out self improvement advise, this is the blog for you.
Sarah Pullman
There is just something about a geek grrl...
Reader beware. Diggin' Sarah is a slippery slope.
Awareness and Consciousness
Kavit Haria is the writer, but read a few posts before you look at his about page.
Then tell me if you are not blown away.
Love, Sex and Popcorn
For something off the wall, read Love, Sex and Popcorn.
Jordan Hlebarov
The Trend Junkie
Welcome to the personal weblog of Greg Cangialosi! Mark is a 32 year old entrepreneur living in Baltimore. "Work hard and play hard," are the words he lives by and the mantra extends to his blog.
Recent posts include: Is the web breaking you down, Brain trip, and Domain pimpage.
Greg also posts lots of pics at flickr.
Read The Trend Junkie.
Spooky Action - Mike DeWitt
This is from his Best Blog Content of 2006 entry, posted on January 19.
I usually try to limit my blog entries to organofantastic bloviation, but occasionally I find something so valuable I need to do one of those "Go there now AND READ THE WHOLE THING!" posts. Kathy Sierra knows more about brain-friendly learning than anyone else I've run across, and her Creating Passionate Users is filled with ideas for making your writing and teaching more compelling. Earlier this month she created a single post that summarized ALL of the key concepts.Com'on Mike! Give us a reason to blogroll you.
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Motivation on the Run - Larry Hendrick
As the title suggests, Larry primarily writes about motivation, but filed under Information there is lots of good reading, too.
Larry also has 33 podcasts on motivation available here.
And... Larry has a sense of humor, as well. This is from his January 23 post The unMotivator.
If you are fed up with all the hoorah and are ready to punch someone out, stop, take a breath and head over to This appears to be the anti-motivation site on the Internet complete with unmotivating posters and coffee mugs.Larry is also now writing at 100 Bloggers.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
In and out of confidence - Tamarika
All of the day as I lectured and talked with students and colleagues the love of my family accompanied me. I felt strong and solid in a way that I cannot remember feeling many times before. Those dynamic, interesting, vibrant, passionate, emotional, struggling women who follow their hearts and souls. They accept the mess and chaos of life with humor and tears, insecurity and enormous vulnerability. They were right there within me, an integral part of who I am.
Read the full post here.
She writes on And now I am found
I realize that now I cherish my time alone. I seek it out and look forward to it. Alone time has become my greatest friend where I gather myself inward and sigh with relief.
Imagine. I have been running away from it all my life. Through relationships, work, and just, well, other stuff. And now I am found. Deep inside. It is solid and safe, joyous and reflective. Even those recurring moments of haunting sadness are welcome.
Read the full posting here.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
my topography - Christina Rosalie
This year I became a mother, and as a result, began to see my mother in an entirely different way. Since my father died, my mother and I have been navigating new terrain in our relationship, and it has not been without land mines. So much lies buried in the geography of our shared lives. So much love and wonder and hurt in our souls is brought to the surface when we talk, and sometimes stumbling upon each others every weaknessclumsily, hurtfully, without grace. But gradually we are learning to keep some things: to keep safety, to keep openness, to keep love steadfast even when we come up against these jagged edges.
Happy Birthday, Christina!
Visit Christina at my topography, you'll be delighted you did.
Powered By Qumana
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Who has time for this? - David Cowan
I know it sounds a little crazy, but indeed Ive come to agree that a clear, compelling elevator pitch is essential to growing a business. (And Ive paid dearly for the evidence.) So after attending a board meeting yesterday in which the management team struggled to succinctly describe their business, I resolved to blog my agreement with Sridharan. Just in time, too, because Nivis been bugging me to answer the question: What makes for a good elevator pitch?
He writes in A Stroll down Wisteria Lane
I first saw Desperate Housewives while watching GoTV, the Bessemer-funded mobile video network sold through Sprint and other wireless carriers. As a fan of the series, I accepted a friend's invitation onto the set yesterday to observe the filming. The experience stirred in me a newfound respect for Thespians of the Small Screen.
Most striking was the herculean effort exerted by the crew to produce each minute of footage. Five days a week they work from 10am to at least midnight in tight, dark, cluttered spaces, mostly waiting their turns (sometime hours) to contribute one step of a strictly serial process--a light meter reading, a dress fitting, snacks, transport to and from the outdoor set, landscaping, script re-prints, shopping for props, or a walk-by (for background activity)... The celebrity housewives show up only for their scenes, but most of the crew stand by 14+ hours a day with surprisingly good cheer. Clearly, these people enjoy their work, and it shows.
If this is enticing, read more of David Cowan at Who has time for this?
Monday, January 23, 2006
The Eminem Blog - Isabelle Esling
My name is Isabelle Esling. I live in Metz, France. I teach English and German at public schools. I am also an Eminem biographer and a freelance music journalist. Im a single mom of two kids.
I have a real passion for rap music and foreign languages.
Black music and black culture have influenced me for a large part.My long term goals are:
-to meet Marshall Mathers and thank him personaly for he has changed my life positively
- getting my book published- possibly with Eminems authorization
- emigrating to an English speaking country
- getting a deal with a rap magazine as a freelance music journalist
Thanks to all the people who support me.
Isn't music a universal language? If it was not thought to be, here is a good case for it!
Go Isabelle!
Tales of a Showgirl - Ariana Rosario
On Friday, January 13th, Ariana writes:
I'm here in Vegas for the final time as a choreographer. The only thing that sucks about this trip is that I'll be here for a week and will be without Fynn until next Friday night. I mean, we still have our cell phones to call each other. So, we'll still have contact. But I guess I enjoy physical contact much more, like having him next to me in bed and his arm is draped over me. Or snuggling up on the couch and making out with him. Well, then there's the other physical contact that we both love. *grins*On Sunday, January 15th, Ariana writes:
Tune in to read Tales of a Showgirl.I just got off the phone with Darian. He told me that I needed to get back to L.A. immediately. Dad was rushed to Cedars-Sinai. He had a heart attack. I'm at the airport now on my laptop writing this.
Fynn - I should be home within the next two hours. Is it okay if I leave Marley with you until I know what else is going on with my dad? I love you and I'll call you later on with details.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Life begins... - Catherine
I think life begins when you wake each day.This is a journal of my sorrow, loss and grief. Are you are strong enough to join me? Are you unafraid to feel deeply? Or to shed a few tears? Then I welcome you on this dark journey of self-expression...
Join with Catherine on her journey
PS - Catherine also writes at 100Bloggers
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
runlikeagrrl - Andrea Hill
Congratulations also for letting us all read about it at runlikeagrrl
So if you are a runner, or like running, read this
PS - She's coming to Boston in April.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Be Excellent
Read Be Excellent!
Mixed Masala
We all need to eat to survive.Welcome to my table. Mixed Masala is an expression of my life-long passion for luscious, savory, spicy foods, my unyielding fascination with uncommon recipes and the chefs who create them, my interest in food photography and my desire to one day master the art of cooking well. A place to share my experiences of cooking, dining and living ... out loud!
How many of us love to eat? (Confession, I do)
How many love to cook? (Confession, I do)
Pull up your chair and appetite, get ready to enjoy Mixed Masala
Apartment Therapy
Their mission:
Helping people to make their apartments better places to live.
Their beliefs:
A calm, healthy, beautiful home is a necessary foundation for happiness and success in the world. Creating this home doesn't require large amounts of money or space. It requires inspiration, connection to resources and motivation to do something about it. The basic elements of good home design can be learned and achieved by all. Simplicity and luxury are not mutually exclusive.
Their goal:
To connect people to the resources they need to redecorate their home, while reducing their reliance on stuff.
What they do: is a daily blog hosted by a main editor and supported by the contributions of daily readers along with those of a small team of loyal "reporters," some of whom are great photographers as well.
Check'em out.
Anil Dash - Free Horiemon!
Who is Anil Dash? Anil is a Vice President at Six Apart and a writer, geek, and New Yorker living in San Francisco. He is best known for his part in the development of the blogosphere. Six Apart is one of the biggest and best blogging companies in the world. They make TypePad, Movable Type, and LiveJournal. Here is a brief biography.
Anil's profession and personal life revolves around weblogs. He maintains several. His primary weblog is the self titled Anil Dash. His primary professional weblog is the Six Apart Professional Network weblog, a resource for anyone who deals with weblogs as part of their career. Anil also contributes to his company's News blog and to various other blogs they maintain on the site. Some of the other sites that Anil maintains are Pop Life, where he writes about pop music and pop culture, and his LiveJournal, though many of these entries are for friends only.
Monday, January 16, 2006
Fitzgerald's Poetry Blog - Group
"A poem a day keeps the doldrums away."Yes, it does.
If you don't happen to have a book shelf that spans 6 full feet and stands almost 8 foot tall, at least 1/3 of the contents of which are books of poetry from which I could select easily any one to do a poem a day (should I choose to do so), then you might consider putting this in your RSS reader.
Certainly takes up less space.
Leaves room for the mind to wander amongst the words of the poem.
Friday, January 13, 2006
Douglas Girls in the Disapora
It’s 13 degrees. I’ve never heard the boiler run so often. The bathroom window is frozen shut. The dog’s hoohaa is frostbitten from piddling on the go in the snow. Fleece is not worth anything in this temp. Back to wool and animal parts to retain heat whilst outside. Leaving the car doors ajar at night. Definitely not licking anything metal.
But I digress.
I was just proving my Alaskan-ness. I have spent 30+ years of my life in The Great Land. I have a blue tarp (or two) in my yard, I have lead line and cork line in my driveway, I smoke salmon at all hours of the night, I let my kid run naked in the summer and I potty trained her outside, but I DO NOT PARK IN THE YARD!
Read the full post.
What is it like to be cold in Alaska?
It’s 9:23 am, and sunrise is just happening. The lake is frozen and the dog and I have an important date of walking the entire perimeter this morning.
C. calls this morning. She and J. woke up to the turkeys gobbling and flying to the ridgeline of the cabin. Buck goat going nuts in the pasture. J. gets up in time to see brown bear number one go by the bathroom window; “hey bear, hey bear” he shouts as he’s trying to find pants, flashlights, and a gun. C. gets into the car to race to the other side of the pasture to chase off brown bear number two. 5 year old is bundled in blankies in the car. All before breakfast on a school day.
Of course, being the town girl in this friendship,my days are more sedate. No large ursines in my yard. Just the neighbor man going by with a blowtorch to open his frozen mailbox.
So somewhere in the middle of that space between Japan and England is the northern land of Alaska and now you can find out what the view point is from those who are there!
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Coaching - Rolf Erikson
Read the full post.Most people pay everyone else first — taxman, landlord, credit-card company, and so on. They try and budget every week, month, and year hoping that if they’re careful they’ll have some money left over.
David Bach says this in his post the other day. “Pay yourself first” means just what it says: When you earn a dollar, the first person you pay is you. Sounds simple, but most people don’t do it., he continues.But he is right, isn´t he?
In To be Patient, Rolf writes:
Patience is one of the most important qualities to develop if you care about personal growth. It’s also one of the most difficult.
Wouldn’t it be nice if after you identified a change you’d like to make, you could just snap your fingers, and the change would occur instantly? Unfortunately, it’s rarely so easy as that, despite what marketers tell you.
For more coaching advice, add Rolf to your listing.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
About Women - Barbara Ashton
A blog about marketing to women, and all the different faces of women in today's marketplace.
Baby boomer, working mom, at home mom, business woman, business owner, traveller, wonder woman, retiree, divorcee, caretaker, mature student ...
Some days it's about the brilliant ways companies find to market to women, the kind of marketing that makes women ache to have their products or services, and clamor about (or blog) to all their friends.
Some days it's about me, boomer gal, weather vane for what works and what doesn't work when marketing to women in the 40+ age group.
Enjoy. Comment. Share with your friends.
From It's Great to be Me, Barbara writes:
What is going on in our world? Men kill women in Afghanistan for making eye contact or for getting an education, while women in North America kill themselves for men. For what? While testosterone driven media rams standards of unattainable physical perfection down our throats, we women respond by starving to death, and putting our fingers down our own throats? Whoa.From The Sweet Spot, she writes:
I do love what Laura Hnatow of Imago Creative recently said in her article about marketing to women in the 40+ range, what she calls “the sweet spot”.
“These women are not a niche market for a specific industry – they are THE MARKET for industries savvy enough to understand their needs and perceptions, their life transitions and their deep-seated hopes and fears.”
If marketing to women is anywhere near your alley of interest, please keep Barbara in mind!
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Better Than Fudge - Josh Horowitz
The better question would be to ask all other websites…why not Better Than Fudge?
Looking for something more? OK, how about this … in these confusing times when we can agree to disagree on just about everything, fudge stands for something I think we can all get behind.
Fudge is rich and decadent and oh so sweet. It’s the treat among treats. It’s the confection cotton candy probably looks at and goes, “damn, that’s tasty stuff.”
Put another way, fudge is simply great. When I say something is better than fudge (and I won’t throw that phrase around lightly, that’s my promise to you) it will mean something. It will be something worthy of examination, respect, maybe even love.
So there it is…
So you might think this is all about chocolate. Well, guess again!
Josh Horowitz is a writer and television producer. His TV work includes producing for “Charlie Rose” on PBS and talk shows on CNBC and the Fox News Channel. He has contributed to numerous magazines and websites including Entertainment Weekly, Interview,, and US Weekly. He lives in New York City.For the scoop, or rather inside slice on movies, TV, etc. check out Josh!
Check it out.
Monday, January 09, 2006
Catherine Daly's Blog
If you are in the Los Angeles area and interested in poetry, then you should keep in touch with Cathrine's blog. For example:
Tuesday, January 17 at 7:30pmCheck out the full posting.
Poetry Coffeehouse at Grace Church
Featuring poets Catherine Daly, Yvette Neisser, and Kathleen O'Toole Enjoy free dessert and free Starbucks coffee together with wonderful poetry.
Catherine Daly, author of two volumes of poetry, Locket and DaDaDa, has worked as a technical architect, officer in a Wall Street investment bank, engineer supporting the space shuttle orbiter, software developer ...
For example:
As you all may know, Jerome Rothenberg is working on a vast Romantics anthology of 19th century poetry to g with the giant 20th century anthologies he just did with Pierre Joris.Read the full posting.
It is international in scope, and while I was visiting him a few months ago, he was talking with Jesse Glass (Diane and I were there of course, also) about various south Asian female poets, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, and Chinese, their various merits, but the difficulty of including them, even though they were 19th century poets of some repute, since they didn't really fit under the rubric "romantic." ...
Add Catherine to your reader to stay current with the LA poetry scene!
Shareholder Value - Tony Rizzo
Tony writes,
Understanding how things work is my bailiwick, so that I might make them work better.Still interested?
Many people in recent years have made a good deal of noise regarding the critical chain method of project management. While the critical chain model is indeed an improvement over the 50-year-old method that continues to be taught by the more traditional institutions, the real value is provided by something quite different: multiproject management.Multiproject management means that the interactions among projects (via the shared resources) are taken into account each time that a new project is scheduled. This is one important step toward achieving the full speed of execution that any organization is capable of providing. There are others.
This blog discusses management concepts, techniques, and decisions that affect the rate at which businesses create shareholder value. The topics range from organizational design to Six Sigma, from the Theory of Constraints to Lean. If it has an impact on shareholder value, you'll see it here before long.
For the next few months my focus will be on the mechanism that causes multitasking, severe delays, and a tremendous loss of the real productivity of multiproject organizations. These include product development organizations
(commercial and defense) and IT organizations.
OK. Still interested? I am stoked! Perhaps, this is why my wife calls me a geek.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
3 Quarks Daily
3 Quarks Presents interesting items from around the web on a daily basis, covering science, design, literature, current affairs, art and more. The editors aim to provide a one-stop "intellectual surfing experience" by culling good stuff from around the net and posting it in their blog. In order words, 3 Quarks is a filter blog.
The 3 Quarks rotation includes:
- Monday Musing
- Critical Digressions
- Dispatches
- Poison in the Ink
- Lives of the Cannibals
- Selected Minor Works
- Poetry and Culture
- Perceptions
- From the Tail
- Rx
Check it out...
Friday, January 06, 2006
Flickr - Last 7 Days
The pictures are outstanding.
The opportunity for you to tell (yes, create) a story from it is there.
Dare you take the opportunity?
I hope some of you do!
Thanks to Rosa for the inspiration!
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Pure Land Mountain - Robert Brady
This year is Red fire, dog year
Robert writes about the leap second:
Yes, Virginia, believe it or not, there is an International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service. How do I know this? I know this because the astronomers and the clock community are at each other's throats again. Some modern things just never change. Sorry Virginia, I don't really know what the "clock community" is, though it seems to include everyone who isn't an astronomer.Robert writes haiku
slow arrowsRobert writes on the growing Japanese population:
cedar trees
pierce the falling snow
Don't look now, but at any minute, for the first time in a century, fewer people in Japan are being born than are dying. These days there just seems to be less general interest in those two types of experience. Which brings us to the aging society, with Japan once again the world's canary in a coal mine, entering a new realm before anyone else, and with yours truly pretty much up there in the local silver vanguard, looking for the champagne bar.
Read more of Robert here.
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Sherry Chandler
Sherry Chandler has written Dance the Black-Eyed Girl (nominated for the Kentucky Literary Award in poetry) and writes regularly on her blog.
In New Directions to point your mouse in 2006, she does a Kentucky version of this Hitchhikers Guide.
In First Footers, she writes
And when midnight struck, you wanted the first person over your threshold, the First Footer, to be the darkest person you knew. A dark first footer brought luck for the new year.Be sure to read the full post on this tradition!
Add Sherry to your RSS Reader, Bloglines, or whatever tool you use and then tune in frequently to see what she has to say!
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
2 Cents Worth - David Warlick
1) We both started in education: He stayed there while I have moved into other business forms of education.
2) We have an equal appreciation for the value of our thoughts as both of us share our 2 cents worth: David at 2 Cents Worth and I at Steve's 2 Cents.
3) We share an interest in literacy, understanding what is required to make our way in the world. David writes In Defense of Wikipedia:
Being able to function, contribute, and prosper in this new information environment — more conversation than library — requires full literacy, the ability to interact within that information environment in a way that adds value. It means expanding our notions of literacy beyond reading the text on the paper in front of you.Read more of David here!
2 cents
Monday, January 02, 2006
HIllbilly PhD - Rocky Noe
Here is a new blog for the new year. My friend Rocky Noe of Rattle the Cage fame has just launched his solo blog. Rocky is an expert on youth advisement and a Kentucky hillbilly.
This should be interesting! Enlightening. Or, at the very least, entertaining. Rocky is an excellent writer with a lot of good ideas.
Check out the Hillbilly PhD Code of Conduct!
Doing the Right Thing - Marianne Powers
Marianne Powers has written Doing the Right Thing, has her homepage at Marianne Powers and has her blog at Doing the Right Thing. That may sound a little repetitive but believe me when I say it is not.
She writes of Seth Godin:
Probably the most popular blogger on all things business is Seth Godin, Agent of Change. Reading him is a little like taking a ride in a sports car with the top down. Of course, his popularity is undoubtedly also due to good looks.She writes of Adrian Savage:
One of my favorite blogs this year has been Adrian Savage's The Coyote Within. Sometimes, it's Adrian's voice that we hear and sometimes Coyote speaks directly. I especially love it when Adrian goes after something that has been giving me grief for years -- like multi-tasking, budgets, and annual reviews. He's an animal.So what will she write about next? The Hitchhiker Team?
Ah, you'll have to read her to find out!
Quick Review 2005
This is 2005 in review.
How many did you add to your blogroll? or RSS reader?
We would be interested to know, drop us a line or comment.
Date | Post Title |
03/03/2005 | The Blogosphere is a Giant Time Capsule |
03/03/2005 | The Blogosphere trail is open |
03/04/2005 | The Artful Manager - Andrew Taylor |
03/07/2005 | Change the World! |
03/07/2005 | The Manolo's Shoe Blog |
03/07/2005 | The Hobopoet - AJ Hoge |
03/08/2005 | Managing Product Development - Johanna Rothman |
03/08/2005 | Time Goes By: Ronnie Bennett |
03/09/2005 | Inspiration is everywhere - Drawn |
03/10/2005 | d2 Redefined - Martin Hattingh |
03/11/2005 | Celebrity Blog - Rosie O'Donnell |
03/12/2005 | Tediousness - Wendy |
03/14/2005 | Cooking for Engineers |
03/15/2005 | Doc Searls Weblog |
03/16/2005 | The Lazyway - Fred Gratzon |
03/17/2005 | Burningbird - Shelley Powers |
03/18/2005 | Hello, my name is Blog - Scott Ginsberg |
03/20/2005 | Oracle Blogs |
03/20/2005 | PC World's Techlog |
03/20/2005 | See Larry Magid. See Larry Magid Blog. |
03/21/2005 | Barry Hardy's Nanomosis |
03/21/2005 | Brian Weaver's |
03/21/2005 | Legacy Matters - Jill Fallon |
03/22/2005 | Connecting the Dots |
03/22/2005 | Woulda Coulda Shoulda - Mir |
03/24/2005 | CPH127 - A Group Blog on Design |
03/25/2005 | Ticketstub - Open for your story |
03/28/2005 | The Divine Miss Em - Emily Mann |
03/29/2005 | Skeptico - Richard Rockley |
03/31/2005 | Scared Monkeys |
04/01/2005 | The Mindjet Blog |
04/04/2005 | The Naked Truth - NYPaganChick |
04/05/2005 | Creating Passionate Users - Kathy Sierra |
04/06/2005 | A Million Monkeys Typing - Douglas Johnston |
04/06/2005 | Blahgkarma |
04/07/2005 | Agile Management |
04/10/2005 | Blog of the Robert Vall Mas [EliziR] |
04/10/2005 | Simplicity - Trevor Gay |
04/12/2005 | The Occupational Adventure - Curt Rosengren |
04/14/2005 | Truck and Barter - A group economic blog |
04/17/2005 | Korea Life Blog |
04/17/2005 | Mutter |
04/17/2005 | Serenity Now: Matt Carter's Blog |
04/18/2005 | Leadership in the Real World Blog |
04/22/2005 | Freakonomics - The Blog |
04/23/2005 | - Dervala |
04/25/2005 | Small Business Trends - Anita Campbell |
04/28/2005 | BLOGthenticity - Real Business Group Blog |
05/01/2005 | Earth 911 |
05/01/2005 | Running Inspiration |
05/02/2005 | Good Experience - Mark Hurst |
05/02/2005 | Speechwriting - Ghostwriting: Jane Genova |
05/03/2005 | A Little Nonsense - Johnny Biscuit |
05/03/2005 | Irish Blogs |
05/04/2005 | A Clear Eye - Tom Asacker |
05/06/2005 | Ageless Marketing - David Wolfe |
05/07/2005 | ?ic = A Group Blog |
05/09/2005 | Decent Marketing - Katherine Stone |
05/14/2005 | A Sense of Place - Ronni Bennett |
05/15/2005 | Learned on Women - Andrea Learned |
05/16/2005 | Cuturekitchen - Liza Sabater, et al |
05/18/2005 | Keep trying - Mike Sanders |
05/20/2005 | BrandShift - Group Blog |
05/23/2005 | hyku - Josh Hallett |
05/25/2005 | WonderBranding - Michelle Miller |
05/26/2005 | Reflexions - susanvg |
05/27/2005 | Chocolate and Vodka - Suw Charman |
05/30/2005 | Cross Cultural News |
05/30/2005 | - Molly E. Holzschlag |
05/30/2005 | BRICOLAGE |
06/01/2005 | Ageless Marketing - David B Wolfe |
06/02/2005 | BigPictureSmallOffice - Nameless |
06/03/2005 | optional n: a blog about jen(n) |
06/06/2005 | Elisa Camahort's Personal Weblog |
06/06/2005 | Escape from Corporate America! |
06/06/2005 | Groundhog Day - Dave Rogers |
06/06/2005 | larry borsato |
06/07/2005 | 37 Days - Patricia Digh |
06/08/2005 | Yoga Girl |
06/09/2005 | Jory des Jardins - 36B |
06/09/2005 | Papercasting - Packetrat |
06/10/2005 | Out of Control |
06/13/2005 | Becker - Posner Blog: Gary Becker & Richard Posner |
06/14/2005 | The Jer Zone - Jerry Halstead |
06/17/2005 | SEO Files |
06/18/2005 | How to save the world - Dave Pollard |
06/20/2005 | Funny Business - Elana Centor |
06/21/2005 | Bag and Baggage - Denise Howell |
06/22/2005 | Brand Autopsy - Johnny Moore |
06/22/2005 | Classic Horror Library |
06/22/2005 | Some Are Dead |
06/23/2005 | Marketonomy - Christopher Kenton |
06/25/2005 | Jason Santa Maria |
06/25/2005 | Uncommon Knowledge |
06/27/2005 | Blog Business World - Wayne Hurlbert |
06/27/2005 | Country Bee |
06/28/2005 | This Fish Needs a Bicycle - Heather Hunter |
06/29/2005 | Greek Tragedy - Stephanie Klein |
06/30/2005 | pc4media - Peter Caputa |
07/01/2005 | The Space aboove the Couch - Jennifer Pohl |
07/10/2005 | 35 Degrees |
07/10/2005 | Tokyo Times Blog |
07/11/2005 | Dream Big |
07/13/2005 | Environmental Economics |
07/14/2005 | Corporate Blogging - Sher Taton |
07/14/2005 | What she said - Morgaine |
07/18/2005 | BrandShift - Group Blog |
07/18/2005 | Brand Noise |
07/18/2005 | Naming and Branding Meta Blog |
07/25/2005 | Hilary - facinationdesign |
07/26/2005 | Inkfinger |
07/27/2005 | Ok/Cancel |
07/28/2005 | Third Age Blog |
08/01/2005 | Ed Batista |
08/02/2005 | True Ancestor - David Gottlieb |
08/03/2005 | Small Beer - Deejay |
08/08/2005 | Rothacker Reviews - David Rothacker |
08/09/2005 | Blog Business Summit - Link Experiment |
08/09/2005 | Gillianic Tendencies - Gillian Gunson |
08/10/2005 | Iron Horses - Sonja Howle |
08/10/2005 | Man on a Mission |
08/11/2005 | Ripples - David St Lawrence |
08/12/2005 | WordLust & PaperFetish - Cindy St Onge |
08/15/2005 | Collective Intelligence |
08/15/2005 | Anecdote |
08/16/2005 | The Public (Mind) |
08/17/2005 | deus ex machinatio - Andrea Phillips |
08/18/2005 | My Mom's Blog by Thoroughly Modern Millie |
08/24/2005 | Virtualosophy - Stacy Brice |
08/24/2005 | Average Jane |
08/24/2005 | Blog of a Scientist-Turned-Entrepreneur |
08/24/2005 | The Joy of Six! |
08/25/2005 | The Rake Blogs |
08/30/2005 | The Ice Floe - PeripateticPolarBear |
08/30/2005 | Girl Wonder - Molly W Steenson |
09/01/2005 | Thoughts and Prayers |
09/09/2005 | Frog Blog |
09/09/2005 | NZBC |
09/09/2005 | The Integrative Stream |
09/10/2005 | Tomorrow Connecting |
09/11/2005 | whimsical mystic - twyla |
09/12/2005 | memoria technica - Gary Turner |
09/12/2005 | Simply Me |
09/13/2005 | Long Tail - Chris Anderson |
09/14/2005 | Off on a Tangent - Steve Garfield |
09/15/2005 | being jennifer garrett |
09/15/2005 | Winged Pig |
09/15/2005 | A Penny For... |
09/15/2005 | Ernie the Attorney |
09/16/2005 | McGee's Musings |
09/19/2005 | Presto Speaks - Shelly |
09/19/2005 | Rattle the Cage! |
09/19/2005 | First Draft by Tim Porter |
09/22/2005 | 100.bloggers |
09/26/2005 | Track Junkie |
09/27/2005 | Answer Girl - Ellen Clair Lamb |
09/28/2005 | Las Fashionistas |
10/02/2005 | Genuine Curiosity |
10/02/2005 | finslippy |
10/03/2005 | Kieran's Adventures in Slow Twitch - Kieran Synder |
10/04/2005 | Mary's Blog - |
10/06/2005 | Running Chick with the Orange Hat - Dianna |
10/07/2005 | weblogg-ed - Will Richardson |
10/10/2005 | eHub - Emily Chang |
10/10/2005 | Operation Eden |
10/11/2005 | Steven's Log - Steven |
10/12/2005 | Life Beyond Code - Rajesh Setty |
10/13/2005 | Mick O'Grady - Mike Daily |
10/13/2005 | A Gonzo Journal by Cowboy Caleb |
10/13/2005 | Scared Monkeys and More... |
10/18/2005 | Never Work Alone |
10/19/2005 | Treasure Island - JD |
10/20/2005 | The Boy Who Heard Music - Pete Townsend |
10/21/2005 | Through the wall - Wil |
10/24/2005 | Is it really? |
10/24/2005 | Raspberry Latte |
10/26/2005 | Improbable Research -- What's New |
10/27/2005 | Idea Sandbox Blog - Paul Williams |
10/28/2005 | hypocritical - Rick Turoczy |
10/31/2005 | eye 2 eye - Ian Macarthur |
10/31/2005 | This Blog Sits... |
10/31/2005 | A Little Pollyanna |
10/31/2005 | Rebecca's Pocket |
10/31/2005 | Fragments from Floyd |
11/01/2005 | Hog Blog - Sally Hogshead |
11/02/2005 | Teach Me Team Work - Tom Heck |
11/03/2005 | The Sneeze - Steven |
11/04/2005 | Dilbert Blog - Scott Adams |
11/05/2005 | Jonathan's Blog - Jonathan Schwartz |
11/06/2005 | Brain Waves - Zack Lynch |
11/06/2005 | Funny Ha-Ha or Funny Peculiar? - Betsy Devine |
11/08/2005 | Inkblurt! |
11/13/2005 | Ypulse - Anastasia Goodstein |
11/14/2005 | What was I thinking? - Sela Carsen |
11/15/2005 | Island of Spice - James Ainsworth |
11/16/2005 | Woulda Coulda Shoulda (Redux) |
11/16/2005 | Wellness Works - Jane Bamber |
11/20/2005 | Sour Duck |
11/20/2005 | Squarebrain |
11/21/2005 | The Bumble Bee - Ken Thompson |
11/21/2005 | Mommy Bloggers |
11/21/2005 | The New Charm School - Jennifer Warwick |
11/22/2005 | Songs of Experience - Joan Nesbit Mabe |
11/24/2005 | Talking Story - Rosa Say |
11/29/2005 | Run Strong / Run Long - LisaLeese |
11/30/2005 | Walk this way... japee |
11/30/2005 | Help! |
12/01/2005 | Just breathe - alexis stewart |
12/04/2005 | A List Apart |
12/04/2005 | 800-CEO-READ Blog |
12/05/2005 | A View from England - Maureen |
12/06/2005 | Top10 Sources |
12/07/2005 | - group blog by women about women and technology |
12/12/2005 | Time Leadership by Jim Estill |
12/19/2005 | Carnival of 100 Bloggers, Issue 1 |
12/20/2005 | Three Kid Circus - Jennifer |
12/20/2005 | Houston Running - Jon Walk |
12/21/2005 | Zingers - David Zinger |
12/21/2005 | Year end preview |
12/22/2005 | notSalmon - Karen Salmansohn |
12/22/2005 | Jabberwock - Jai Arjun Singh |
12/22/2005 | Blowin' in the wind |
12/24/2005 | 'Twas the blog before Christmas |
12/26/2005 | 10 Minutes to Better Teaching - Michael Ballenger |
12/27/2005 | bard's eye view - Jeremy Abrams |
12/28/2005 | Being Reasonable - Marc Babej |
What will the list for 2006 look like?