Thursday, July 27, 2006

grrrl meets world - Becky

We get not one, not two, but three blogs for the price of the slight diversion along the trail today into Becky's world.
Consider grrrl meets world as the home base. Becky writes
I'm an American transplant in the middle of the frozen Canadian prairies. I'm very married to a "nice Mennonite boy." I avoid working on my thesis by blogging here.
I'm also an
ENFP, who these days is becoming more I than E (except after C). Oh, and I'm having a baby.
daydreamer is where her husband, Jerry, writes.
bringing up baby is the tail of the nine months of preparation. I like the ticker from that she uses in the header. Cool instant status point!
So take a peak into Becky and Jerry's world.
It is changing day to day.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree. Becky's world is worth following via her blog(s).
