Tuesday, August 30, 2005

The Ice Floe - PeripateticPolarBear

She writes:


My name is PeripateticPolarBear. Yup, that's right. Imagine the buzz at the ladies Bible study the week after I was baptized!

This blog will be pretty much about me, and the adventures and mishaps I run in to while floating on the local ice flue.

Some of you might recognize me from a previous blog. That's cool. Just please don't refer to information from the older blog on this new one. I made a few security errors there that I'd prefer not to repeat.

In her list of 100 things about her:

51. I wear a lot of skirts.
52. But I hate wearing skirts.
53. I’m working on changing that.
54. I have broken my arm 6 times.
55. Grace has never been an attribute of mine.
56. I play the guitar, but not as well as I used to.
57. I want to take guitar lessons again, perhaps this winter.

Read more of the PeripateticPolarBear!

Girl Wonder - Molly W Steenson

Molly writes:

i'm a 33 year-old writer, internet geek, bonne vivante, traveler, cook, gardener, knitter and girlwonder, though these days, i do less writing than i ought to. i started doing the internet thing back in 1994, when i worked on a site called online wisconsin at the university of wisconsin-madison. it was the only web project at madison at that time. i started a personal site in 1995 (it's really pretty dismal, but the links are somewhere on this server), and in 1997, i got the girlwonder domain. next big adventure: grad school. i'm going to be attending yale's master of environmental design program, an architecture and urbanism research program in the yale school of architecture. i'm psyched.

She has moved to New Haven and is starting her studies at Yale.

Read more of Molly!

Thursday, August 25, 2005

The Rake Blogs

The Rake magazine is worth discovering.

The Rake is a monthly magazine, launched in March 2002 by people old enough to know better.

The Rake – like all rakes - has a reputation. It has personality. The Rake is full of good reading, good writing and strong visuals. What sets it apart is its focus on storytelling, its literary essays and commentary, its humor, style, and personality. Rake readers don’t use the magazine, they experience it.

The Rake is free. Its controlled, audited circulation of 60,000 is distributed throughout the Twin Cities metro area (Minneapolis and St. Paul), in cities and suburbs, in restaurants and libraries, in coffee shops and public buildings, for example.

The Rake magazine has several blogs:

The Rake's Progress

Yo, Ivanhoe

The Read Menace

Warning Track Power

Check them out!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Average Jane

Average Jane writes about T.V., shopping, and other obsessions like bathrooms and towels.

Average Jane is a black and white blog, elegantly average. Average Jane is well written. Average Jane has a blogroll as long as my arm, but 2 Cents and Orbit Now! are suspiciously omitted.


Read Average Jane!

Blog of a Scientist-Turned-Entrepreneur

Who should read this blog?

In Jane's words: frustrated postdocs and wildly successful academics, someone figuring out what to be when she grows up and professionals prospecting career transitions, scientists interested in grazing non-academic pastures and scientists venturing beyond the bench, someone interested in a discourse on success, management, and leadership.

My words: others. and you.

Read Jane Chin! But bring your thinking cap. This is one smart lady.

The Joy of Six!

Welcome Joy Des Jardins to the blogosphere. She writes The Joy of Six, tales of love, life & laughter. It is simply good writing from the heart. No glitz. No glam. No hidden agenda. Joy is a breath of fresh air in the midst of so much politico management ego brand clickety clack.

It was only a matter of time. And now she is not eating. Addiction is like that.

Joy has been an avid reader of Orbit Now!, offering sage advice and words of support. I'm glad to have the opportunity to reciprocate.

Read Joy Des Jardins!

Virtualosophy - Stacy Brice

Stacy Brice writes at Virtualosophy:
Being a visionary, I personally love ideas. For me, it’s the idea that gets me involved and passionate. It’s “birthing” the thing that’s the thrill. After the birth, I tend to get bored, very quickly; I’ve learned over time that the “running” of things is best left to others. For me, the creation tends to be focused and magical.

In her "About me" section she writes:

My point is that with few exceptions, what you can do face-to-face, you can do virtually. Friendships, romance, work, play, feel things deeply… it’s all done here, and it’s every bit as real and valid as what’s happening between you and the folks you live, work, and play in-person with.

People matter. Distance doesn’t.

If you agree with this, then you want to read more of Stacy here.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

My Mom's Blog by Thoroughly Modern Millie

Mille wrote last week:

In a few days I am going to be eighty years old! I just typed that and I can not believe it, maybe I feel it sometimes but I sure don't think or act it.

One of the reasons I feel so good is that I have something that I am involved in, excited about and look forward to. You guessed it, it's blogging.
Well today is Millie's birthday! Happy Birthday, Millie!

As a special present for you Millie, I will add you to the listing of those blogs found by the Hitchhikers!

Read more by Millie here!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

deus ex machinatio - Andrea Phillips

Andrea Phillips writes at deus ex machinatio

The concept of deus ex machina is fascinating to me. I've come to understand the phrase as referring to any result that could not have been predicted by examining the system that spawned it. God from a machine; a great mystery rising from a mechanical contrivance.

A new blog but one that looks very promising!

The Public (Mind)

Hans Henrik H. Heming believes in the network as a catalyst, as his consciousness, as a part of him. With public(MIND) he tries to expand the dimensions for what he is, can and will!

I'll get myself another MBA - Heming came across this list of books about which he writes, "should give you the key to a personal MBA - PMBA..." Although, he notes, "the list is missing something about personal mastery, personal leadership, change management, and chaos management." Amen, brother.

Corporate blogging is going mainstream - Heming writes, "Corporate Blogging is getting SO much hype these days that I think it's already a fact that Corporate Blogging will go mainstream... It will transform the way we communicate, the way we work."

Monday, August 15, 2005

Collective Intelligence

CI means many things to many people. Here, it refers to the capacity of human communities to evolve towards higher order complexity and integration through collaboration and innovation. This blog wants to be an embodiment of what it is about. If you care, subscribe and contribute.

Read Collective Intelligence


Anecdote is written by Shawn Callahan. Shawn is managing director of Anecdote Pty Ltd, a firm specializing in helping clients harness information knowledge. I don't normally give space to company blogs, but I like Anecdote. Following are a few links to a few recent posts at Anecdote.
Check out Anecdote.

Friday, August 12, 2005

WordLust & PaperFetish - Cindy St Onge

Cindy St Onge describes herself:
Moi, I am a blue-collared malcontent with a compulsion to express myself
Englishly. I'm a spiritual and emotional wreck, but more often than not, I land
buttered side up.
She writes well, writes poetry and publishes the poetry on this blog as well as at The Sight of Blood

Read more of Cindy here!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Ripples - David St Lawrence

David's by line reads:
"Thoughts persist like ripples in time. No idea is ever completely lost."
Author of Danger: Quicksand!

David is writing an extensive series on The writer-publisher.

He is someone you should add to your RSS reader and catch up with!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Iron Horses - Sonja Howle

It was the posting on that frog song that did it this time.

I had come across Sonja some time ago, loaded her site in the reader, followed for awhile and then when there was no activity, I guess I removed her. Yes, I'll admit it even thought I liked trains (commute somewhat regularly on one), I did remove her.

I followed a link to view Michelle Miller's wonderful video, found out about the Wizard Academy, and there was Sonja. So she is back now!

So read Sonja!

Man on a Mission

I love this blog. It's dedicated to mission statements.

Following are a few examples:

Establish Starbucks as the premier purveyor of the finest coffee in the world while maintaining our uncompromising principles while we grow.

Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.

Heinz has a vision statement rather than a mission statement.

Our VISION, quite simply, is to be "THE WORLD'S PREMIER FOOD COMPANY, OFFERING NUTRITIOUS, SUPERIOR TASTING FOODS TO PEOPLE EVERYWHERE." Being the premier food company does not mean being the biggest but it does mean being the best in terms of consumer value, customer service, employee talent, and consistent and predictable growth. We are well on our way to realizing this Vision but there is more we must do to fully achieve it.

JLP also posts mission statements for blogs. If you have a mission statement that you would like JLP to include, let him know by sending him an email.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Blog Business Summit - Link Experiment

For insight into this experiment, follow the link here to read about it.

Then you too can link and join the experiment!

Gillianic Tendencies - Gillian Gunson

Partly to help celebrate her year blogging,
partly to make up for not announcing her here before (better late than never, Gil)
but mostly because she does write on a variety of interesting stuff:

on rabbit ears

on belly button piercings

on how frequently you wash your pants

and that is just from the past couple of days...

Happy blog anniversary, Gillian!

Read more of Gillian here!

Monday, August 08, 2005

Rothacker Reviews - David Rothacker

David writes from his vantage point in the Tampa Bay area. In today's posting he says:
There is another reason that I hesitate to write about these fine, insightful gentlemen and others like them. I walk a delicate bridge between groupie-ism and evangelist- connector. I am a connector. And in order to connect, I sometimes venture more than halfway across the chasm. What I am not - is a me too person. This is the type of person who creates a blog and links out to all of the hip, mod, rad-happpening, cool cats in order to gain stature.
Read more of David here!

Friday, August 05, 2005

Small Beer - Deejay

It's Friday, end of a good week. Thoughts drifting already to the afterwork beer to help unwind.

Yes, it should be a crime to drink small beer. If you are going to drink beer, drink the real stuff.

Deejay is a retired librarian and teacher, now a freelance writer, translator and blogger writes honestly on all topics.

Read more of Deejay here!

Hong Kong Capitalist

These Hong Kong bloggers seem to be a pretty tight-knit group. Read their first impressions of the Hong Kong Capitalist.

HK Blogs: Fumier, Nude King, Hemlock's Diary, Ordinary Gweilo, Hongkie Town...

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Security Fix - Brian Krebs

Brian Krebs writes a blog on security for the Washington Post.

He just returned from Las Vegas and DefCon and Blackhat conferences where he experienced an exciting week. See DefCon Day 1, DefCon Lynn Presentation, DefCon Night 1 Kegbot, and finally Leaving Las Vegas.

For the security minded, if you have not already come upon Brian, he is one to add you your list of sources!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Wayback Machine

This is not a blog but for one interested in the web and web developments, this is one interesting site to register as a favorite or bookmark or whatever your browser calls it.

It has an archive of web pages and their changes over the years.

Check out the google page from Dec 1998!

Check out the amazon.com page from October 1999.

Enjoy checking out the past. How does that quote go? "If you do not learn from the past you are condemned to repeat it...." With this site you can cruise and learn at the same time!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

True Ancestor - David Gottlieb

David's byline reads "Jewish-born, Zen-inspired. Syncretistic, synergistic ... and a little cranky."

Syncretistic? Fortunately, wikipedia comes to the rescue: syncretistic. That is my new word for today.

David writes in Rove, Palmerio, Jackson and the Blame Game

I am irked by about 90 per cent of what I'm reading and seeing in the media -- and on blogs -- because so much of it is missing the point.

Why are we so preoccupied with the pursuit of moral misfits? I consider most such witch-hunts to be entirely consistent with the Way of the Whiner: angry, impotent exercises in shrill moral outrage. They detract from larger issues -- indeed, are often designed for just such a purpose -- and do little more than sell ad space.

Let's start with Michael Jackson: bad boy. Bad, bad, boy. Down, Michael.

And let's leave it at that!

Yes, let's.

But you really should read more of David here!

Monday, August 01, 2005

Ed Batista

Ed Batista's subtext line reads "thoughts on design, technology, advocacy and marketing".

It caught my attention long enough to find interests that we share.

He writes on the Attention Trust
As noted in my last few posts, Seth Goldstein, Steve Gillmor and a number of other folks have launched AttentionTrust, a tremendously important work-in-progress whose goal is to "promote the basic rights of attention owners," i.e. all of us.
He writes on Outfoxed
Applications like Outfoxed that run on social metadata, i.e. information about our preferences and habits that we share with others--Audioscrobbler is another example I wrote about recently--are going to have an enormous effect on the way not only on how we use the web, but also on how we connect with other people and how we make ourselves known to them.
Read more of Ed here!