Monday, November 20, 2006

Bigger isn't always better - Bob Tomasko

Bob Tomasko writes a blog at "Bigger isn't always better" which happens to be the name of his fourth book.
He writes on the Clear Channel deal
Clear Channel made itself more attractive to private investors by adopting a “less is more” approach to selling advertising 18 months ago. It reduced the total number of minutes devoted to commercials each hour on its radio shows and shortened their average length. Result: happier listeners, better ratings which led to more ad revenues for less air time, and constructive pressure on the advertisers to make their shorter commercials more engaging. Which led to more product sales for the advertisers – a win-win all around.
In his posting on Growth involves subtraction, not addition he quotes from
Lao Tzu said:

“In pursuit of knowledge, every day something is acquired; in pursuit of wisdom, every day something is dropped.”

Expansion – the pursuit of bigness – is a lot like the pursuit of knowledge. Growth, however, has more to do with acquiring wisdom.

This reminds me of Dan Ward's Simplicity Cycle.
If any of this strikes your fancy, then you should add Bob Tomasko's blog to your RSS Reader.
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