Monday, October 03, 2005

Kieran's Adventures in Slow Twitch - Kieran Snyder

Found via a posting about her running (she's a marathoner), Kieran writes in her profile:
Aspiring fashionista, as recently confirmed by co-workers. Paramount leg-wrestler. Sassy linguist. Both leader and member of posse. Good drinker, for some values of good. Marathoner flirt social impresario. I kick ass.

She posted today on Food is Love and I had to reveal my love of Fluffernutters (that will be the subject of another post).

In the meantime check out Kieran here!


Kieran Snyder said...

I like links! If you want to show up in google queries, etc, you may want to edit the spellings of my name. :)

(Kieran is spelled wrong at the bottom; Snyder at the top.)

Running keeps me sane.

Steve Sherlock said...

Sorry for the delay, but I finally fixed the spelling of your name in both spots.

I only found this comment today when I was checking on when the Hitchhikers had written about you.